There are so many light fixtures happening in my dollhouse. Most of them will actually light up. And I made them. To date, I have about 8-10 fixtures in various stages of completion. I love making lights so much that I've decided to ban myself from making any more until I actually wire the dollhouse for electricity, ya dig? (you can see most of the fixtures in the pics below). I made a priority list, and I'm sticking to it. Sort of. Here it is:
-sand off all old wallpaper
-prime all walls, inside and out
-stain the hardwood floors
-paint and install trim/windows/fire pole
-wall paper/paint
-build more furniture
-make more lights
-decorate and accessorize
I hate that all the fun stuff is at the bottom of the list.
Since I started drafting this post, I've completed a ton of projects. I'm really making good progress on tedious, no-fun, necessary tasks. I'll be glad to put all that behind me. Since I've finished so much stuff, I'll try to keep it brief and mostly pictures.
I tied up
a lot of loose ends...
Electricity is in, and it was incredibly easy. Serious. I had absolutely no problems.

Hardwood floors have been stained. I remember years ago having problems getting the stain to take to popsicle sticks. This is only one coat of stain. No sweat.

Cork floors have been cut and installed. They could have come out better. But they're not terrible. I don't know if anyone will really notice the flaws too much, since there'll be so much more interesting stuff going on in there. See?...
I"m almost done making that chair, and I'll probably make one more. Kind of like a retro dinette chair. Real leather. I made that pedestal table out of this stuff:
That's a giant souvenir penny (3"ish diameter), a jar lid a hose nozzle, a knurled nut, black spray enamel, and an aluminum tube. And hot glue in copious quantities, but you can't see any of it. It came out pretty cool.
I finally made the mounting flange for the range hood.
These lamps came out great. The shades are really shiny. I kind of wish they weren't so shiny. They plug into outlets behind the headboard.
Since you can't really see them in those pics, here's another:
The industrial cart coffee table is coming along. I decided not too paint all the metal components black. It almost looks a little campaign style, a little steampunk. I like it.
The arc lamp is so badass. I've outdone myself.
I'm not sure about the wallpaper option. Maybe.
I still have to put legs on the sofa. Procrastinating.
Converted the old electric range to a deluxe seven burner gourmet gas range. Obviously.
Way shitty picture. I threw a few things together to make this little guy. His name's Eduardo.
The dishwasher is complete. Except for the knobs, which I'll add after I decide what color to paint the cabinets. It has a leather hinge and a magnet closure.
I made this stainless steel farmhouse sink. I love it. I now have to design and execute the cabinetry to hold it. I ordered the rest of my granite countertops today. Tomorrow I'll order the double oven setup I've been salivating over.
The copper pot rack is finally done. The only thing I'm changing here is the chain. That stuff is whatever I had laying around. I picked up a gunmetal cable chain, and I've already replaced it.
I've primed the trim I'll be putting in this week. I had the windows cut, and I'll install those this week as well. The nursery is getting a beadboard treatment. So adorable.
Ah, my "black friday" purchase. This idyllic little yuppie family by Melissa & Doug. I've had my eye on it for 3 weeks. At 30% off. Shwing!
Grabbed some mini clutter accessories at the bead store.
That's all I can think of right now. There's definitely more. What a great long weekend, I really feel like I made a dent in the to-do list.
And. I'm. Spent.